Depth Therapist - Adult Educator - Supervisor
Alex Wittmann
Depth Therapy
Depth Therapy focuses on human 'foundational elements' for healing, growth and wellbeing.
These include: Sense-of-Self and Identity; Life Meaning and Purpose; Emotional Maturity; and the Capacity to Connect (to self, others, nature/environment, and whatever you consider 'spiritual').
It's an organic, growth-oriented, 'bottom-up' approach to mental wellbeing, personal efficacy, and deeper connections (vs 'top-down'/symptomatic approaches of willpower-driven-behavioural-change, learned strategies, and over-reliance on medication).
Relationships here are seen as more than "compatibility" and scripted "communication skills". More than negotiation, diplomacy and reciprocation of behaviours or favours.
Instead, they are about deep 'knowing' of self and others, emotional intimacy, and mutual growth: this in turn drives what (and how) we communicate, and how we behave (spontaneously and authentically).
Healthy relationships are about nurturing your true self while growing closer to others.
Counselling - Single Person: $120ph (150 for 1.5)
Counselling - Couples: $160ph (200 for 1.5)
Video Sessions: -$20 from above
Group Work/Training: $250ph
Contact Details
Mobile: 0421 028 117
Brisbane CBD, Greenslopes & Online Services